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Citrine Acne range has landed at Lavelle’s

Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to touch, usually on the face, chest and back.

Most treatments involve topical medications (cream / lotion gel) which work very well in most cases if used correctly, including the Citrine Acne range:

1: BENOXOR (treatment for inflamed and comedonal mild to moderate acne)
✨ It prevents the onset of acne through different mechanisms of action.
✨ It unblocks the follicles allowing the elimination of sebum, and the disappearance of comedones.
✨ It keeps the skin moisturised.
2: TRIACINE (unique formulation for the prevention of complications of acne due to external factors)
✨ Treats mild to moderate comedonal acne. It is clinically proven to be effective in reducing the signs of acne.
3: Ceboderm (sebum regulator and moisturiser for mild to moderate acne that can be also used as a maintenance therapy)
✨ An excellent adjuvant in the treatment of acne-prone skin, recommended as a continuous treatment.
✨ Acts as a regulator of sebum production and helps to reduce the potential reoccurence of acne lesions.
✨ Acts as a potent moisturiser to increase skin hydration.

Available in-store now.

Please be advised if these are not successful, then your Doctor may recommend oral medications, such as antibiotics.

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