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Emergency contraceptive pill


Order Online The Morning After Pill To Collect From Your Pharmacist Today! You can use emergency contraception (the morning after pill) if you want to avoid an unplanned pregnancy.

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These medical questions help our doctors treat you safely. Check that you fully understand them, and message us if you’re unsure. Possible emergency? Call 999 or visit your nearest A&E.

It is important to know that emergency contraceptive pills work by stopping ovulation (the release of an egg) in the middle of your menstrual cycle. If you take one after this has happened, you may still become pregnant. A copper coil would be more effective in this situation. You can discuss this option with your local sexual health clinic or GP.

    Your Name:

    Your Email:

    Your Age:

    Do you use any regular contraception?

    For example the contraceptive pill, patch, ring, injection, coil or implant

    What date did you have unprotected sex?

    What time did it happen?

    If you had unprotected sex more than once, choose the earliest time

    Since your last period, have you had any other unprotected sex or condom failures?

    Have you taken an emergency contraceptive pill in the last 7 days?

    Which emergency contraceptive have you taken?

    If you have used an emergency contraceptive pill in the last 7 days, and you need to use it again, you must make sure you use the same type of pill again. EllaOne can stop levonorgestrel (Levonelle) from working as well and vice versa if they're used within 7 days of each other. Please make sure that you select the same pill.

    The morning after pill can be affected by your weight. If your BMI is over 26, or your weight is more than 70kg (11st) then levonorgestrel (Levonelle) may be less effective, and EllaOne may be more effective. If your BMI is over 30, or your weight is more then 85kg (13st) then EllaOne may not be able to work as well. In this case a better option would be the copper coil, which you can discuss with your GP or sexual health clinic.

    Are you currently breastfeeding?

    Do you have any other medical conditions or have you had any recent surgical procedures?

    Including gynaecological procedures or coil insertion

    Are you currently taking any medication, or have you recently finished a course of medication?

    Are you allergic to any medicines or other substances?

    For instance lactose.

    To ensure that you receive your pill on time, we may need to contact you about your order. Are you happy for us to contact you by phone?

    Our doctors can provide support for those suffering from domestic violence, or drug or alcohol addiction. If this applies to you, please send us a confidential message through your account.

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